Kansas Should Avoid The Medicaid Expansion Trap

The ApothecaryInsights into health care and entitlement reform. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.Josh Archambault, ContributorPauseUnmuteCurrent Time 0:28/Duration Time 0:30Loaded: 0%Progress: 0% FullscreenThe Kansas legislature has wisely rejected ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion year after year. As a result, policymakers have protected taxpayers and the truly vulnerable from costly enrollment overruns. But now, despite a rapidly shifting health care landscape, special interest groups are once again ramping up pressure on state lawmakers to expand ObamaCare to a new class of able-bodied, mostly childless adults. Thanks to the prudence of Governor Sam Brownback and legislative leaders, Kansas is now in a position to learn from the mistakes of other states that bought into Washington’s false promises of flexibility and “free money.” They’ve also created a welfare reform model for the nation that they should build on, not diminish.

Source: Kansas Should Avoid The Medicaid Expansion Trap

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